• The Hunt

    Capsule Reviews: March 2020 Wide Releases

    Bloodshot Vin Diesel as an American soldier who is murdered, then resurrected as a superhuman cyborg. Once brought back from the dead, he goes rogue and seeks revenge on the man who had killed him and his wife — but then other memories come back, and he begins to wonder ...
  • Southpaw


    Hollywood is often nothing more than an assembly line that produces the same story again and again for mass audiences who are drawn to the comfort of familiarity. Invariably, any recent year’s top-grossing films will be composed mostly of sequels and comic-book adaptations. This year alone has already seen a ...
  • Chappie

    Capsule Reviews: March 2015 Wide Releases

    Chappie Inferior mash-up of RoboCop and A.I. set in a dystopian Johannesburg where robots act as the police force. When a programmer illegally reprograms one of them to be sentient, the robot is "raised" by a couple of wannabe-gangsters (Ninja and Yolandi Visser from the South African band Die Antwoord, ...